Welcome to St Luke's Science and Sport College, where high aspiration, the drive for excellence and the provision of opportunities for all underpin our ongoing success and achievement. I am privileged and proud to be the Principal of St Luke's, where the students, staff, parents and governors work closely together to ensure that all students achieve their very best in their studies and engage fully in wider College life.
Our Christian Ethos is an outstanding feature of the College and we are committed to provide the best possible spiritual and pastoral care for the students. Our vertical house system develops a sense of family, building traditional values, ensuring that our students are happy, supported, nurtured and can enjoy College life in an exciting, friendly and purposeful atmosphere.
We are proud of the high academic achievements of our students, the progress that all students make in their education and the outstanding teaching that takes place across the College. Our philosophy of 'success for all' is achieved by challenging every student to be the best that they can be.
I welcome you to read our most recent Ofsted Inspection Report where the judgments made and comments written confirmed the many exceptional and outstanding characteristics of the College. Leadership and management was judged as 'outstanding' and is the key thread to our ongoing and future improvement to beyond outstanding!
St Luke's is a wonderful and very special College and at its heart are the people. Our students are our best ambassadors as confident, respectful and caring young people who show immense pride in their College and achievements. The relationships between staff and students are tremendous and the trust that exists enables learning to be the exciting, challenging and personalised.
Our website is a fantastic window into the College, so do please enjoy visiting and finding out more about life at St Luke's. The online College Prospectus will also provide you with key information.
I welcome you to join us at our Open Evening or alternatively contact us to enjoy a tour of the College.
With very best wishes
Dave Holt